Cathrine Edlinger-Kunze

Cathrine Edlinger-Kunze was born and raised in Germany. She comes from generations of painters, crediting her father for inspiring her love of painting.

Edlinger-Kunze studied art in school, drawing and painting from life; then in 1986 she graduated with her Masters in Graphic design/book illustration in Germany. She devotes most of her time to drawing and painting the figure, explaining “the human face and body always fascinated me, the body for me is perfection in form, showing emotions in movement and expressions.” Much of the artist’s recent subject matter revolves around performers and dancers, recalling the delicacy of Degas’ ballerina’s and the quietude of Picasso’s saltimbanques. Moving around a lot has influenced the artist’s feelings of home, finding the right place and finding “home” inside yourself. She relates to the free spirit of performers, moving from town to town, taking their sense of HOME with them. 

Cathrine’s paintings have a subtle elegance and quiet depth. The work simmers with brilliance and lingers with the viewer long after. Her artwork starts with her stepping into the studio, starting a painting with abstract brushwork, intuitively a figure starts to develop, the subject starts to emerge, and she feels her way through the painting.

Edlinger-Kunze has shown her work since 1985 and has exhibited in Germany, Italy, Great Britain and the United States. She shows her work in California, Arizona and Oregon. She recently moved back to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where her American journey first began in 1994.